You might already be familiar with sugarcane and its sweet derivative, cane sugar. We tend to associate these stout stalks with food and how it enhances flavor. However, the rich in sucrose perennial grass is more than just a food chain player. According to US Sugar, ‘sugarcane is considered one of the most environmentally friendly crops because it requires minimal fertilizer and pesticides’. Furthermore, its fibrous waste post-processing makes for a malleable material that can be made into a bioplastic or applied as a paper-like alternative. This dry pulp residue is known as bagasse.
Bagasse comes from sugarcane stalks after the saccharine juices have been extracted, hence leaving only dry fibers behind. A BioResource BioProcessing report states that, ‘the annual production of sugarcane globally is about 1.6 billion tons and this generates about 279 million metric tons of SCB [sugarcane bagasse].’ An ideal opportunity to convert this excess pulp extract into a substitute for 100% plastic-made objects, tree-deriving paper objects, and more. Ultimately, reducing negative impact on the environment.
For the past decade, research and findings regarding biomaterials have reached new heights. Designers, manufacturers, and factories have yet another super material to work with that has a lower carbon footprint than that of mainstream synthetics like plastic.
Sugarcane-derived products can range from water bottles and cups, to food service packaging, part compostable utensils, and kitchenware to name a few. At Platform88, our factories and production machines are equipped with bagasse processing technology that allows you to reimagine your daily life essentials as environmentally friendly options.
From idea, to prototype, to retail placement; bagasse-made goods are something we see more of as the green movement evolves and we’re here to help you every step of the way.
Nowadays consumers are choosing more eco-conscious brands over cheap and wasteful ones. Our prediction is that this demand will only grow and become more popular throughout the years. Will you be part of this journey with us?
Feel free to reach out to our team for more information on how we can potentially work together!