Build Method
We’ve spent years building our factories. P88 is our startup engine. In most cases, each factory location has been operating for 10 or more years and has been vetted by some of the largest brands and retail chains on the planet. Except for our Shanghai office, our Merchandising Hubs are located within our factories. This allows us to quickly assemble a team of engineers, merchandisers, and QC staff to make sure your product is well made and shipped on time.
Small Batch
Intellectual Property
Industry Experts

Industry Experts
Several decades of manufacturing in Asia has produced thousands of industry veterans that are eager to join your team. At P88, we’ve enlisted industry specific experts that have produced products for some of the world’s largest brands and retail chains. Need extra help understanding plastic injection techniques, stamping, PCB fabrication, batteries, display panels, optics, or audio? No problem. Our experts will work with you and our factories to resolve engineering problems, prototyping reviews, design for manufacturing issues, and pilot production oversight.
Merchandising Hubs

merchandising hubs
Our merchandising hubs keep your project on track. We have multiple product teams that coordinate and provide oversight of the product development process. We use propriety, cloud based, communication software to manage all open tasks, discussions, sign-offs, and file sharing so that everyone is on the same page. Successful projects require frequent communication between team members, with clear and transparent discussion about the development progress. Through our hubs, we ensure that startups, experts, and factories, are properly aligned.
Small Batch Manufacturing

Small Batch Manufacturing
We understand that your first order might not require large-scale manufacturing. We currently have several facilities throughout China that can help with smaller production runs. As your product scales, we can easily transfer tooling and expertise to larger factories.
Intellectual Property Protection

Intellectual Property Protection
We have partnered with some of the largest intellectual property firms in China. We have worked with them to understand the needs of the startup community and have developed a program of standardized services to assist in protecting your product.
Product Certification

Product Certification
Understanding product certifications in North America and around the globe is critical for success. In order to help, we’ve partnered with Bureau Veritas to develop a unique program to assist new companies. With over 40,000 employees worldwide, they can ensure that you have access to all of the latest testing procedures and requirements for your market.